Establish a Hong Kong company

Start a business
If you have ideas and inspiration, start a business! How can I start a business first? Usually the first step is to open a company, open a company account, register a trademark design, etc.
But what about starting a company? To start a company, you can usually register an unlimited company or a registered limited company.
Establishment of a Limited Company |
Establishment of an unlimited company (sole proprietorship or partnership) |
Apply to government departments |
Companies Registry |
Business Registration Office |
Legal status |
A corporate entity with independent legal status |
The legal liability of the proprietor or all partners is unlimited, meaning they must bear all the responsibility. |
Debt liability |
The company itself can enter into contracts and incur liabilities |
Company owners are fully responsible for company debts and contracts |
Documents required for application |
Incorporation Form A copy of the company's articles of association Notification to the Commercial Registration Office |
Business Registration Application Form Identification documents of the company owner or all partners |
It is easier to open a limited company, the cost is lower, and you only need to prepare accounts and file taxes every year. The tax rate is also lower (15%),但當公司出現債務或訴訟問題時,由個人、股東全數負責。
If a limited company encounters financial problems, shareholders do not need to use personal assets to repay debts, but can transfer assets to raise funds. After the annual accounting is completed, the tax return will be audited by a licensed auditor, and the tax rate is slightly higher (16.5%)。
Establish a Hong Kong company
Hong Kong is a city of opportunity, creativity and enterprising spirit24In 2006, it was rated as the "world's freest economy" by the American Heritage Foundation. As an international financial center, Hong Kong has a sound legal system, a simple tax system, low tax rates, complete infrastructure and communication facilities, and high-quality professionals, which have won the favor of investors from all over the world. Hong Kong has unlimited business opportunities and is a platform for global trade. Hong Kong's advantages are widely known, and tens of thousands of international companies have benefited from setting up Hong Kong companies.
Advantages of setting up a Hong Kong company
• Have a sound legal system
• Leveraging Hong Kong’s reputation, it is easy to gain international credit
• As an international financial center, it has diversified financing channels
• No foreign exchange controls, free flow of funds, and various foreign currencies can be exchanged at any time
• Unlimited business scope and simple follow-up services
• The tax system is simple and the tax rate is low (only profits tax is involved, first200萬港元利潤的稅率僅為8.25%)
• 每年只需申報一次利得稅
• 至少一名年滿18歲的股東和董事
• 一名法定秘書(由香港永久居民或香港公司擔任)
• 一個香港註冊地址
步驟 1 – 擬成立香港公司名稱
步驟 2 – 股東個人資料
步驟 3 – 董事個人資料
步驟 4 – 公司秘書個人資料
公司秘書的身份證影印本及地址 (如不採用本公司的公司秘書服務);如秘書是法人團體,請提供公司註冊證書和註冊地址;
步驟 5 – 公司註冊地址
步驟 6 – 公司的法定資本
• 選擇電子「註冊易」方式註冊(需時1天)
• 新成立香港公司(有限公司,約10天)
• 購買現成香港公司(即空殼公司,需時約2天)人
Company secretarial services;
究竟公司秘書服務是什麼? 一直以來,很多客戶將公司秘書跟普通秘書混為一談,認為公司規模尚小,不需要公司秘書服務,言而公司秘書是香港公司法下的一個法定職位 ,公司秘書如是個人,則通常必須居住在香港; 或如屬法人團體,則必須在香港設有註冊辦事處或營業地點。私營公司的唯一董事不能擔任公司秘書。
1. 準備及提交周年報表
2. 撰寫周年股東/ 特別會議紀錄
3. 更改公司註冊地址
4. 任免董事及公司秘書
5. 更改董事乃公司秘書資料
6. 更改公司業務性質
7. 增加註冊資本
8. 更改公司名稱
9. 分發股份